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The relationship: employer-employee

By: Stephan Smith | Date: 25 February 2014

The relationship: employer-employee New article

The topic of the relationship between employees and their superiors is delicate. Many employees in a certain company feel like they don’t speak the same language with their bosses which makes the relationships in the company shaky and imposes an artificial pattern of conducts. It is advisable to follow some good practices in order to make communication  flow between the two levels of the hierarchy in a normal and intelligent way.


It is important to understand that communication in the office is still a kind of communication. As strange as it may seem at first glance, it has similar characteristics to the contacts between a man and a woman or friends. A long-term and stable relationship is based on understanding, compromises, conversations, common interests. All of that is that necessary as it is in love, friendship and in business relations, as well.


Here are some good tips from which employees and superiors in the hierarchy can benefit in order to build a better standard of living together in the office:

Melt the ice together. It is a wrong approach to rely only on company policies concerning relationships, ignoring human altogether between you. Since you will work together for a long period of time, it is important that there is no artificial tension .


Communicate in different ways. If meeting in the office presents a problem, communicate in different places. Use surveys or the forum of the company. If you are a supervisor,  add hours for consultations and regular meetings of the company or its directions. As an employee you could help your boss by making a proposal for a methodology to optimize the working process.


Work with deadlines. The easiest way to reduce the unpleasant and unexpected surprises at the office is setting clear objectives and deadlines. In this way, employees know clearly their tasks and their superiors - what to expect from them.


Be sincere. If hypocritical relationships work for you, then the state of the company is highly unstable. Employees, be honest about your working skills and abilities. Do not take on tasks that are beyond your strength. Share it with your supervisor if you find the project utterly unpleasant or you have another solid reason not to take it. Your boss should be tolerant and flexible enough to comply with you or tell you like a human why he/she chose you exactly and  how important it is for the company that not somebody else but you undertake this project. It is important that you reach a compromise which is based on the understanding of both sides.


Fulfill strictly your obligations. Everyone in the company has work obligations. Nobody has the moral right to skip work and delay the whole process. Keep up to your working hours and obligations according to your employment contract and the agreed tasks. Only collective responsibility may move the company forward.


Respect one another. Superiors, remember that you wouldn’t  take up this position if it wasn’t for your employees. What you have is a result of their work, as well. Workers  should not also fool themselves that bosses are bummers. Remember: everybody in the company has work obligations! Often heads work outside the office hours. They also carry much bigger responsibility for the state of the company, employees and projects.


Remember your rights and obligations. General working conditions are neatly written in the employment or civil contract. They are fine-spoken enough not to have disagreements later. In this way heads have a valuable tool that can charge the new human resources and increase the capacity of the company. Employees also should perform their duties conscientiously, taking advantage of their privileges and not allowing any abuse from the outside.


Finally, remember:  “To err is human; to forgive, divine”. No-one is immune from mistakes. Show understanding and tolerance as with joint efforts things will move forward.

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